Puppy Vaccines | Kitten Vaccines Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer
Big Creek Pet Hospital - Cleveland
16949 Bagley Road
Cleveland, OH 44130
Big Creek Pet Hospital - Olmsted
27093 Bagley Rd #4
Olmsted Falls, OH 44138


Puppy & Kitten Care 

Give your new pet the best start in life.

Just like a baby, the care your puppy or kitten receives is critical to their long-term well-being. We can help you by providing excellent veterinary medical care, and by teaching you about different aspects of raising a puppy or kitten.

Puppy/Kitten Visit

During a puppy/kitten Preventive Care visit, your pet will receive a thorough physical examination, age appropriate vaccinations/immunizations, and we will discuss different aspects of raising your puppy or kitten.

During most puppy/kitten exams your pet’s fecal will be checked for internal parasites. Don’t worry as many puppies and kittens have worms, which is why we de-worm them.

Kittens will be tested for Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids during your initial visit.

Your Puppy’s First 16 Months

Congratulations on your new puppy! They can be so much fun, and just like a baby so much work. Here are some guidelines on when we should see your puppy for normal checkups.

Initial Checkup (approximately 8 weeks old)

  • Initial Puppy/Kitten Preventive Care Exam
  • Initial Vaccinations – Distemper, Hepatitis/Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus (DHPP) and Bordetella. The people you got your puppy from may have already done an initial DHPP. That’s okay, these vaccinations need to be boostered a few times.
  • Fecal Exam – please bring in a teaspoonful amount of your pet’s stool – fresh is the best. Many puppies have worms and, if we find some, we will use de-worming medications specific for that parasite.
  • De-worming medication – All puppies will be de-wormed at least twice. Sometimes we will need to treat your puppy more often if we find worms in the fecal exam.
  • You will receive Puppy Kit which includes:
  • Revolution broad-spectrum parasite preventative
  • Puppy Kit

2nd Visit (approximately 12 weeks old)

  • 2nd Puppy/Kitten Preventive Care Exam
  • Booster Vaccinations – Distemper, Hepatitis/Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus (DHPP)
  • Initial Leptospirosis (L)
  • Initial Lyme Disease (needed if your pet goes in the backyard).
  • Fecal Exam – please bring in a teaspoonful amount of your pet’s stool – fresh is the best. Many puppies have worms and, if we find some, we will use de-worming medications specific for that parasite.
  • De-worming medication – All puppies will be de-wormed at least twice. Sometimes we will need to treat your puppy more often if we find worms in the fecal exam.
  • Refill monthly parasite preventative

3rd Visit (approximately 16 weeks old)

  • 3rd Puppy/Kitten Preventive Care Exam
  • Booster Vaccinations – Distemper, Hepatitis/Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus, Leptospirosis (DHLPP) and Lyme.
  • Rabies Vaccination
  • Fecal Exam – if your pet was diagnosed with intestinal parasites previously, please bring in a teaspoonful amount of your pet’s stool – fresh is the best.
  • De-worming medication – Again depending on how your puppy’s fecal test went previously, we may need to de-worm your puppy again.
  • Refill monthly parasite preventative, Depending on how large your puppy is growing will determine whether you can get several months of parasite preventative or come in monthly to get your puppy’s weight rechecked. (By the way we encourage you to bring your dog in anytime we are open to get his or her weight checked plus get a complementary treat from us – we call this a “Happy Visit” because it is stress free.

Spay or Neuter (6 months to 1 year old)

If you do not plan to breed your dog, it is best for your puppy’s long-term health to be either spayed or neutered. If your pet is a larger breed dog (70+ lbs. as an adult) please discuss with your veterinarian whether you should wait up to a year old to neuter or spay your dog.

Fecal Test (7-8 months old)

We recommend your dog be tested for intestinal parasites every 6 months. We only need a fresh, teaspoon size stool sample, not your pet.

Initial Adult Checkup (approximately 15-16 months old)

Approximately, a year after your puppy’s last vaccinations we will need to see your now adult dog for a checkup, booster vaccinations, and preventive care testing.

Your Kitten’s First 16 Months

Congratulations on your new kitten! They can be so much fun, and just like a baby so much work. Here are some guidelines on when we should see your kitten for normal checkups.

Initial Checkup (approximately 8 weeks old)

  • Initial Puppy/Kitten Preventive Care Exam
  • FelV/FIV test – we will take a little blood from your kitten and test him or her for Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids.
  • Initial Vaccinations – Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), Feline Calicivirus (C), and Feline Panleukopenia (P)(aka Feline Distemper) (FVRCP). The people you got your kitten from may have already done an initial FVRCP. That’s okay, these vaccinations need to be boostered a few times.
  • Fecal Exam – please bring in a teaspoonful amount of your pet’s stool – fresh is the best. Many kittens have worms and, if we find some, we will use de-worming medications specific for that parasite.
  • De-worming medication – All kittens will be de-wormed at least twice. Sometimes we will need to treat your kitten more often if we find worms in the fecal exam.
  • You will receive Kitten Kit which includes:
  • Revolution broad-spectrum parasite preventative
  • Kitten Kit

2nd Visit (approximately 12 weeks old)

  • 2nd Puppy/Kitten Preventive Care Exam
  • Booster Vaccinations – Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), Feline Calicivirus (C), Feline Panleukopenia (P)(aka Feline Distemper).,
  • Initial Feline Leukemia vaccination
  • Fecal Exam – please bring in a teaspoonful amount of your pet’s stool – fresh is the best. Many puppies have worms and, if we find some, we will use de-worming medications specific for that parasite.
  • De-worming medication – All kittenss will be de-wormed at least twice. Sometimes we will need to treat your kitten more often if we find worms in the fecal exam.
  • Refill monthly parasite preventative

3rd Visit (approximately 16 weeks old)

  • 3rd Puppy/Kitten Preventive Care Exam
  • Booster Vaccinations – Booster Vaccinations – Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), Feline Calicivirus (C), Feline Panleukopenia (P)(aka Feline Distemper)., and Feline Leukemia.
  • Rabies Vaccination
  • Fecal Exam – if your pet was diagnosed with intestinal parasites previously, please bring in a teaspoonful amount of your pet’s stool – fresh is the best.
  • De-worming medication – Again depending on how your kitten’s fecal test went previously, we may need to de-worm your kitten again.
  • Refill monthly parasite preventative. You may need to recheck your kitten’s weight to get the right dose size.

Declaw your Kitten (3 to 6 months old)

Discuss with your veterinarian whether you should get your kitten declawed. We will be happy to discuss alternatives. 

Spay or Neuter (6 months old)

If you do not plan to breed your cat, it is best for your kitten’s long-term health to be either spayed or neutered.

Fecal Test (7-8 months old)

We recommend your cat be tested for intestinal parasites every 6 months. We only need a fresh, teaspoon size stool sample, not your pet. Did you know even indoor only cats are susceptible to intestinal parasites? For example, approximately 15% of potting soil contains Roundworms.

Initial Adult Checkup (approximately 15-16 months old)

Approximately, a year after your kitten’s last vaccinations we will need to see your now adult cat for a checkup, booster vaccinations, and preventive care testing.

What should I bring to my Puppy’s or Kitten’s First Visit?

Please bring any records from the people you adopted your puppy or kitten from. This way we can get birthdate, breed, and previous vaccination history.

Also please bring a fresh, teaspoon-sized stool sample.

What will I go home with after my puppy’s or kitten’s first visit?

  • Pet Wellness Report Card detailing results of your pet’s exam
  • Fecal Test Results will be sent to you the following business day
  • You will receive Kitten Kit (we estimate it to be worth about $25) which includes:
  • Revolution broad-spectrum parasite preventative
  • Puppy or Kitten booklet
  • Puppy or Kitten handouts covering a variety of topics to help you raise your puppy or kitten

How can I save money and budget my Puppy’s or Kitten’s preventive veterinary care?

First, by getting preventive veterinary care, we can protect your pet from many problems and detect others before they become too serious. It is always better for your pet’s health and your wallet to prevent problems!

For those of you who would like to save money on your dog’s or cat’s preventive care, we offer ABC Pet Health Plans. These are Affordable, Bundles, of Care and include the services we recommend for your dog or cat at a particular life stage (Puppy/Kitten, Adult, Senior, Geriatric). These plans also include unlimited exams and discounts on certain services and products.

Call us at (440) 234-5831 to schedule your pet’s first physical exam. 

Puppy Care

Big Creek Pet Hospital